St. Joseph's Guest Book.

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Name: Mim Magu

Date: 1st March 2001

From: FL

Comment : 03/01/01 Love your site. May St. Joseph bless us all.

Name: Patti Tulipano

Date: 3rd March 2001

From: Palmetto, Florida.

Comment: I'm saying a prayer to Saint Joseph, that I may find a job, and not lose my house. Thank you, Patti Tulipano

Name: Dave and Betty Chabala

Date; 17th march 2001

From: Bridgeville, Pennsylvania

Comment :

Name: Margaret A.Flick

Date: 17th March 2001

From: Leola,Pa

Comment : I love your website. So many wonderful topics. You are truly blessed by the Lord. I just did the novena to St. Joseph Cloak. Its very inspiring and worth praying. May God keep you in good health.

Name: Ruth

Date: 18th March 2001

From: Michigan

Comment :Beautiful and inspiring website. Thank you. Especially love the short 'poem-prayer' that reads "Hail dear Spouse of Mary mild, Tender Guardian of her Child, Joseph, best of Teachers, Hail!" I can easily memorize this, easily call it to mind - particularly when faced with a decision, and thereby honor St. Joseph even in the midst of a chaotic day.

Name: Joanne K. Clark

Date: 19th March 2001

From: Fowler, IN

Comment: I love finding sites like this on the internet. Thank you. God bless you.

Name: Philippa O'Driscoll

Date: 29th March 2001

From: London, England

Comment : Heartfelt thanks for this most lovely tribute to St Joseph. And thanks to God too, for letting me discover it. It is a beautiful website.

Name: Jim McCoid

Date: 17th April 2001

From: Little Rock, AR


Name: Laura Zink

Date: 21st April 2001

From: Bennington, Vermont

Comment: What a truly beautiful site! Thanks for your link to Messages From on High (at May Blessed Brother Andre pray for us constantly in the company of dear St. Joseph!


Date: 26th April 2001


Comment: .I was born on St. Joseph's Day, in a St. Joseph's hospital, to a father named Joseph, in Canada (National Patron Saint: Joseph)! I figured somebody was trying to tell me something. . .so when I converted to Catholicism as an adult I very proudly took "JOSEPHINE" as my confirmation name I love and respect St. Joseph, and I petition him to intercede for me that I may have a happy death at the end of my earthly life. GOD Bless you all, in the name of JESUS, MARY, and JOSEPH!


Date: 10th May 2001



Name: Dan Cook

Date 14th May 2001

From: Washington Court House OH

Comment: I enjoyed this site!!!! I am having trouble selling my house so I tried burying a statue of St. Joseph and praying to him for special intervention. Could you please put this on your prayer page. For my family that we sell our house and be able to move together to a new town and new job. So we don't have to be apart from each other. This will also get us out of financial difficulties.

Name: Joseph Richard

Date: 22nd May 2001

From: New-Brunswick, Canada

Comment: Many thanks to St.Joseph for prayers answered and for help in my family's re-establishement to Ottawa from New-Brunswick Canada. Also thank you to blessed Mary and Jesus.

You did not give your e-mail address so I cannot reply to thank you for signing St. Joseph's guestbook.

Name: Kim Coan

Date: 25th June 2001

From: Sagamore Hills, Ohio

Comment : Thank you for the Saint Joseph web page. I found it very comforting. My husband and I are trying to sell our house and it's been a very difficult 7 months. I know no matter what happens it will be in the Lord's time. Everything will be for the best. Have a great day!

Name: Tim Nelson

Date: 19th July 2001

From: Montana

Comment : Dear Harry, Thank you and BLESSINGS to you for the work you have done to produce this wonderful site in honor of St. Joseph. My wife Teresa and I have a VERY strong devotion to him, and pray a St. Joseph novena nightly. Again, thank you so much. Your brother in Christ, Tim Nelson

Name: Clifford Shuff

Date: 6th August 2001

From: Lake Charles, Louisiana

Comment :

Name: Chris Egger

Date: 17th August 2001

From: Denver Colorado

Comment: I and my wife have been trying to sell our home for a long time. It just occurred to me that there must be a saint who could help us to find a buyer. I was delighted to find the St. Joseph web site. I should have known without looking that St. Joseph would be to perfect saint for assistance. My grandfather helped build the St. Joseph Catholic church in Grand Junction, CO. I received all of the sacrements in this very church. Even now St. Joseph continues to help me with my earthly mission. Thank you to all who developed this web site. God bless you! Chris

(As you did not give me your e-mail address - Thank you for signing St. Joseph's guestbook. May St. Joseph guide you all and keep you all safe all the days of your lives.)

Name: Duncan Brincat

Date: 19th August 2001

From: Kalkara, Malta

Comment: It's indeed a very well kept website about our titular Patron saint, the Glorious Saint Joseph: Patron of the Universal Church. It would be interesting to add some links to our Maltese websites, especially the Kalkara parish ones which give interesting information about our cult towards Saint Joseph. Thanks and Good Luck!

Name: Tina

Date: 24th August 2001

From: Stanton, California

Comment : May our Lord bless you for your kindness in the spreading of the devotion of His foster father, Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph, pray for us. Blessed Mother Mary, spouse of St. Joseph, pray for us. Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, have mercy on us.

Name: Assunta Richichi

Date: 24th August 2001

From: Australia

Comment: great site......I have just been introduced to St. Joseph through Fr. Fred L'Orme of England, never before have I felt so refreshed and strong in my beliefs.........God Bless you all

Name: C Escott

Date: 27th September 2001

From: Tallahassee Fla

Comment : Thank you for a wonderful and very helpful site. I am in the process of selling my home and a friend gave me a St. Joseph statue. She said to bury him in the yard and he will help me sell my house. I had never heard of such a story. I was thinking she was pulling my leg. Thanks to your site I see she is telling me the truth. Thanks for educating me on the many benefits of St. Joseph.

Name: Peter Insalaco

Date: 1st October 2001


Comment : Thank you St.Jude for your powerful intercession. Thank you for letting me see some light and feel better. I realize that my request may require many little miracles but my faith in knowing that the best outcome for me is always in the hands of God, keeps me going. Thank you and all the Saints, angels and everyone that helped, heard and still help me. With love and faith, Peter

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