St. Joseph's Guest Book.

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Name: Sandra Stickney

Date: 7th June 2000

From: Cincinnatie OHIO


( Your e-mail address appears to be incorrect - it keeps saying "Mailbox not found. User unknown." )

(So - thanks for signing - Harry)

Name: Mary Beth Lyons

Date: 7th July 2000

From: Gilbertsville, Kentucky

Comments: (nil)

Name: Giles Babb

Date: 9th July 2000

From: San Antonio, Texas (home of the Mission San Jose!)


Great Page! Wish we had more websites devoted strictly to our favorite Saint. I became Catholic back in 1991 (first person in my family to do so since perhaps the Reformation---no joke!). It was in 1994 that I discovered that Joseph had perhaps been instrumental in my becoming Catholic (this takes too long to explain here), and had perhaps been looking out for (ie, protecting) the rest of my family (although not Catholic) for some time even before that. Feel free to visit this address: where I've posted several write-ups I've made about our Saint.

Have had a quick visit here Will put you in the links page shortly

Name: Frank J. Hartough

Date: 10th July 2000

From: St. Petersburg Fl.


Name: Beth

Date: 20th July 2000

From: Louisiana

Comment : I became a Catholic in 1991 and throughout my RCIA lessons, I kept a very solid stance about the direct line I have to God and had no need to pray to the Saints. Recently, my family and I have experienced some very trying times and a friend told me to seek St. Joseph. Thinking that it was probably a silly desperate measure, I found your site and prayed to St. Joseph for intervention. And intervention came!!! How glorious! Thank you for providing such an informative site and thanks to Saint Joseph for sending a friend to spread the word of his glory!!

[Its nice getting comments like this - showing that St. Joseph is with us all the way!]

Name: Eugen Ensch

Date: 21st July 2000

From: Rheinfelden / Schweiz / Switzerland

Comment : Dearest friends of St.Joseph! Thank you very much for this beautifull Homepage and the nice Gallery! May God bless you for this meritorious work! Your site is booked on my favorites sites! Greetings from Switzerland!

Name: Jennifer

Date: 21st August 2000

From: Tennessee, USA

Comment: We have recently moved and are having problems selling our home in another state. Please help me pray to St. Joesph that our house sells soon! Thank you so much! Jennifer

{Will do. Have put your request on the Prayer Circle page}

Name: Don Scarborough

Date: 18th September 2000

From: Louisiana

Comment: Found your site from a link at the Latin Prayers web site. I am a convert to the Catholic Church (1976). Have developed a devotion to St. Joseph after attending a St Joseph's Covenant Keepers rally in Houston Tx. about number of years ago. This site will help foster that devotion.

Name: Babes Tan-Magkalas

Date: 2nd October 2000

From: Canada

Comment: Thank you for your very informative site. I am also a devotee of St. Joseph. After taking a short web development course, I decided to apply what I have learned by creating a site for Saint Joseph.

Please visit my St.Joseph site.

Your site is included in the page on Links to Other Sites.God bless you. Sincerely, Babes

( Have visted there. It is an extremely attractive site. I have put a link back to your page)

Name : Debria Harris

Date: 8th October 2000

From: Dallas,Texas


Name: Amelia Smith

Date: 16th October 2000

From: California

Comment : This is the first time I visited your website. Thank you for this service. I usually say prayers to St. Joseph nearly daily. I appreciate all the information available--and glad to find one of my old favorite prayers--Prayer of St. Gertrude. Thanks and God bless. I'd like to add my friend, Mrs. M to your prayer list. Mrs. M. refinanced her home with WMC and they continue to raise her interest rate which means higher monthly payments. She is 82 yrs. old and lived in her home for 33 years. St. Joseph keeps finding her ways not to loose her home. We give thanks for this.

(Will add to the prayer list as requested)

Name: Michael

Date: 3rd November 2000

From: Columbus Ohio

Comment : Where was St.Joseph born? and what date was he born on? What did he do to become a saint? When was St.Joseph canonized?

(I will try to (sort of) answer your questions in a day or two by e-mail.)


Date: 4th November 2000



(Simply send me an e-mail with the details)

Name : Jane Jewell

Date: 15th November 2000

From: Florida

Comment : Please pray for us. We have been trying to sell our house for a year. We have the St. Joseph kit and followed the instructions, but we still haven't been able to sell. We want very badly to move back to our home state and near our family again. Thanks. Jane

Name : Sunny Rae Fragante

Date: 3rd December 2000

From: Philippines

Comment: Your site has been most helpful to my research on St. Joseph. Eversince I was a child I have always been in love with St. Joseph, Mary's spouse and Jesus' adoptive father. Now, a friend of mine and I are on a mission to make St. Joseph's life come alive. We are doing research in order for us to come up with a musical play depicting the life of St. Joseph. Much like Disney's animated film, "Prince of Egypt", and like the musical play "Joseph the Dreamer", we too would like to bring about a special devotion to St. Joseph into the hearts of Christians. We believe that Joseph is much like Mary and devotion to him will also yield much favor and grace. Thank you so much for this wonderful site. May God bless you and shower you with His graces through the intercession of St. Joseph.

Name : Rachel Bellomy

Date: 3rd February 2001

From: Hampton,Virginia

Comment: I am very thankful for all the work of Holy family parish. For all the information available without having to wait.

Name: Therese G.

Date: 9th February 2001

From: Redford Michigan


Name : Rev. Msgr. Rick J. Oberch, J.C.L.

Date: 14th February 2001

From: Diocese of Peoria

Comment : St. Joseph is my Patron and I am very pleased that a website is devoted to him.

Name : Jenita Methot, f.j.

Date: 27th February 2001

From: Arichat (Isle Madame), Nova Scotia,Canada


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