Saint Joseph
Prayer to St. Claire
Say 9 Hail Mary's for 9 days in front of a lighted candle. This is a powerful Novena.
God of Mercy you inspired St.Claire with the love of poverty. By the help of her prayers may we follow Christ in poverty of spirit and come to the joyful vision of your Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son. Who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.
your mind before the mirror of eternity, place your soul in the
brilliance of glory, place your heart in the figure of Divine
substance, and transform your whole being into the image of the
Godhead Itself through
contemplation! So that you too may feel
what His friends feel as they taste the hidden sweetness which God
Himself has reserved from the begining for those who Love Him."
{ A Spanish prayer to St. Clare} Oracion a Santa Clara
esta oracion mas 9 Ave Marias por 9 dias con una vela encendida en la
mano, el ultimo dia dejar la vela finalizar. Hacer tres peticiones.
Un negocio y 2 imposibles. Publicar al noveno dia.
Santa Clara
que seguiste a Cristo con tu vida de pobreza oracion, haz que
entregando nos confieis la providencia del padre Celestial en el
entero abandono aceptando serenamente su divina bondad. Santa Clara
bella y hermosa, ilumina mis caminos para la gloria y la victoria,
librame de los enemigos y de las problemas. Pido a Santa Clara que
cubre mi cabeza con su manto sagrado. Guiame Santa Clara para que yo
pueda resolver todas mis problemas. Amen.