dedicated to St Joseph
Each Wednesday in the year is dedicated to St Joseph, and all those devoted to him should on this particular day, practice special devotion in his honour. And his own month, the month of March is set aside to honour him especially, will be gladly welcomed each year by the devout clients of the foster-father of Our Divine Lord. St Joseph was very near and dear to the heart of Jesus in his life, and so, too, he is very close to the hearts of those who love Jesus and who try to follow him, no matter how feebly.
The intercession of St Joseph is very powerful. St Teresa says: 'I know by experience that the glorious St Joseph assists us generally in all necessities. I have never asked him for anything which he did not obtain for me.
And that great Franciscan saint - St Margaret of Crotona heard Our Lord say: 'If you would do what is pleasing to me, do not let a single day pass without offering some tribute of praise and veneration to St Joseph.' Therefore, let us pray to him constantly, and ask him to lay our petitions at the foot of the great white throne. Let us ask for patience on the hard road, and perseverance in our trials; above all, let us beg him each day for the grace of a holy and a happy death.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who by subjecting yourself to Mary and Joseph, consecrated family life with wonderful virtues, grant that by their help we may fashion our lives after the example of your Holy Family, and obtain everlasting fellowship with it. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
A Plenary Indulgence may be gained on the usual conditions, provided this prayer has been said daily for the entire month.
A devotion propagated by the Pious Union of St.
Every Wednesday is dedicated in a special way to
St. Joseph. Make the Nine First Wednesdays (in a manner.similar to
the First Fridays) in honor of St. Joseph for a happy death for
yourself and your dear ones. As charity is one of the best ways to be
worthy of the grace of a happy death, offer your First Wednesday Mass
and Communion and devotions in honor of St. Joseph in a special way
for the salvation of the dying.