{also in Portuguese. Thanks to CTB.}
The Seven Sundays in honour of St. Joseph are observed in the following manner: Holy Communion is received i:n his honour on seven consecutive Sundays, and on each Sunday the prayers in honour of the Seven Sorrows and the Seven Joys of St. Joseph are recited.
An excellent means of obtaining special favours through the intercession of St. Joseph is to honour his seven sorrows and seven joys by the devotion of the Seven Sundays. This devotion may be practised at any time of the year, but fervent clients of St. Joseph like to venerate him especially on the seven Sundays preceding his Feast Day (19th March) ( This year it starts on Sunday the 1st February 2004). Then they more confidently hope to obtain some particular favour; often the favours they receive are greater than they had expected. St. Teresa of Avila tells us that St. Joseph frequently obtained for her much greater favours than those for which she had petitioned.
It is related that a ship containing a number of passengers was wrecked off the coast of Holland.Two Franciscan monks, who had clung to a plank for two days, were save by a man of venerable appearance who miraculously brought them to shore. Upon their asking him who he was he replied, 'I am Joseph, and I desire you to honour my seven sorrows and seven joys.." This was the origin of the devotion to the sorrows and joys of St. Joseph.
Those who are seeking a special request may also have seven Masses said in honour of St. Joseph, or assist at seven Masses, give alms or fast seven times, make seven visits to a chapel or to an image of the Saint. A novena may made by daily saying the prayers of the Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys of St. Joseph; or this devotion may be performed for thirty days and ended with the reception of the Sacraments. One can also make a novena by saying the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be seven times on each of seven consecutive Sundays, in honour of the Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph. It is very pleasing to St. Joseph and a great act of charity to aid, in his honour, those souls in Purgatory who during life practised special devotion to him. In our various necessities, we might promise St. Joseph that if he comes to our aid we will have one or more Masses said for the Poor Souls, or offer Holy Communion for them.
1. The doubt of St. Joseph. (Matt. 1:19)..........The message of the Angel. (Matt. 1:20).
2. The poverty of Jesus' birth. (Luke 2:7)......... The birth of the Saviour. (Luke 2:10-11).
3. The Circumcision. (Luke 2:21)..................... The Holy Name of Jesus. (Matt. 1:25).
4. The prophecy of Simeon. (Luke 2:34).......... The effects of the Redemption. (Luke 2:38).
5. The flight into Egypt. (Matt. 2:14)................. The overthrow of the idols of Egypt. (Is. 19:1).
6. The return from Egypt. (Matt. 2:22).............. Life with Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. (Luke 2:39).
7. The loss of the Child Jesus. (Luke 2:45)........ The finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. (Luke 2:46).
( I have changed the references to the Bible for the Joy in Nr 2 and Nr 4. These were both given as the same as the Sorrows i.e. Luke 2:7 and Luke 2:34 respectively. I feel the ones I have used are perhaps a little more appropriate. St. Joseph will forgive me if I got it wrong - Please.)
Composed by Ven. Januarius Sarnelli, C.SS.R. (d. 1744)
1. Sorrow: The doubt of St. Joseph. (Matt. 1:19)........
But Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wishing to expose her to reproach ,was minded to put her away privately.
Joy: The message of the Angel. (Matt. 1:20).
But while he thought on these things,behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying,"Do not be afraid, Joseph, son of David, to take to thee Mary thy wife, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit.
1. O chaste Spouse of Mary most holy, glorious St. Joseph, great was the trouble and anguish of thy heart when thou wert minded to put away privately thine inviolate Spouse, yet thy joy was unspeakable when the surpassing mystery of the Incarnation was made known to thee by the Angel!
By this sorrow and this joy, we beseech thee to comfort our souls, both now and in the sorrows of our final hour, with the joy of a good life and a holy death after the pattern of thine own, in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Our Father . . . Hail Mary . . . Glory be...
2. Sorrow:The poverty of Jesus' birth. (Luke 2:7).
And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes ,and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Joy: The birth of the Saviour. (Luke 2:10-11).
And the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people; for today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord."
2. O most blessed Patriarch, glorious St. Joseph, who was chosen to be the foster father of the Word made flesh, thy sorrow at seeing the Child Jesus born in such poverty was suddenly changed into heavenly exultation when thou didst hear the angelic hymn and beheld the glories of that resplendent night.
By this sorrow and this joy, we implore thee to obtain for us the grace to pass over from life's pathway to hear the angelic songs of praise, and to rejoice in the shining splendour of celestial glory.
Our Father... Hail Mary . .. Glory be..
3.Sorrow: The Circumcision. (Luke 2:21).
And when eight days were fulfilled for his circumcision, his name was called Jesus, the name given to him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
Joy:The Holy Name of Jesus. (Matt. 1:25).
And he did not know her until she brought forth her first born son. And he called his name Jesus.
3. O glorious St. Joseph thou faithfully obeyed the law of God, and thy heart was pierced at the sight of the Precious Blood that was shed by the Infant Saviour during His Circumcision, but the Name of Jesus gave thee new life and filled thee with quiet joy.
By this sorrow and this joy, obtain for us the grace to be freed from all sin during life, and to die rejoicing, with the holy Name of Jesus in our hearts and on our lips.
Our Father. . - Hail Mary... Glory be.
4. Sorrow: The prophecy of Simeon. (Luke 2:34).
And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother,"Behold this child is destined for the fall and the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. And thine own soul a sword shall pierce.
Joy: The effects of the Redemption. (Luke 2:38).
And coming up at that very hour, she began to give praise to the Lord, and spoke of him to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.
4. O most faithful Saint who shared the mysteries of our Redemption, glorious St. Joseph, the prophecy of Simeon regarding the sufferings of Jesus ant Mary caused thee to shudder with mortal dread, but at the same time filled thee with a blessed joy for the salvation and glorious resurrection which, he foretold, would be attained by countless souls.
By this sorrow and this joy, obtain for us that we may be among the number of those who, through the merits of Jesus and the intercession of Mary the Virgin Mother, are predestined to a glorious resurrection.
Our Father - . - Hail Mary . . . Glory be ...
5. Sorrow: The flight into Egypt. (Matt. 2:14).
So he arose, and took the child and his mother by night, and withdrew into Egypt.
Joy: The overthrow of the idols of Egypt. (Is. 19:1).
The burden of Egypt. Behold the Lord will ascend upon a swift cloud and will enter into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt will be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst thereof.
5. O most watchful Guardian of the Incarnate Son of God, glorious St. Joseph, what toil was thine in supporting and waiting upon the Son of the most high God, especially in the flight into Egypt! Yet at the same time, how thou didst rejoice to have always near you God Himself, and to see the idols of the Egyptians fall prostrate to the ground before Him.
By this sorrow and this joy, obtain for us the grace of keeping ourselves in safety from the infernal tyrant, especially by flight from dangerous occasions; may every idol of earthly affection fall from our hearts; may we be wholly employed in serving Jesus and Mary, and for them alone may we live and happily die.
Our Father - . - Hail Mary . . . Glory be ...
6. Sorrow: The return from Egypt. (Matt. 2:22).
But hearing that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there; and being warned in a dream, he withdrew into the region of Galilee.
Joy: Life with Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. (Luke 2:39).
And when they had fulfilled all things prescribed in the Law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, into their own town of Nazareth.
6.O glorious St. Joseph, an angel on earth, thou didst marvel to see the King of Heaven obedient to thy commands, but thy consolation in bringing Jesus out of the land of Egypt was troubled by thy fear of Archelaus; nevertheless, being assured by the Angel, thou dwelt in gladness at Nazareth with Jesus and Mary.
By this sorrow and this joy, obtain for us that our hearts may be delivered from harmful fears, so that we may rejoice in peace of conscience and may live in safety with Jesus and Mary and may, like thee, die in their company.
Our Father - . - Hail Mary . . . Glory be ...
7. Sorrow: The loss of the Child Jesus. (Luke 2:45).
And not finding him, they returned to Jerusalem in search of him
Joy: The finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. (Luke 2:46).
And it came to pass after three days, that they found him in the Temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
7. O glorious St. Joseph, pattern of all holiness, when thou didst lose, through no fault of thine own, the Child Jesus, thou sought Him sorrowing for the space of three days, until with great joy thou didst find Him again in the Temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors.
By this sorrow and this joy, we supplicate thee, with our hearts upon our lips, to keep us from ever having the misfortune to lose Jesus through mortal sin; but if this supreme misfortune should befall us, grant that we may seek Him with unceasing sorrow until we find Him again, ready to show us His great mercy, especially at the hour of death; so that we may pass over to enjoy His presence in Heaven; and there, in company with thee, may we sing the praises of His Divine mercy forever.
Our Father - . - Hail Mary . . . Glory be ...
Antiphon. And Jesus Himself was beginning about the age of thirty years, being (as it was supposed) the Son of Joseph.
V. Pray for us, O holy Joseph.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray.
O God, Who in Thine ineffable Providence didst vouchsafe to choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most holy Mother, grant, we beseech Thee, that he whom we venerate as our protector on earth may be our intercessor in Heaven. Who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Now in Portuguese
Sete Dores e Alegrias de São José
1a -
Ó Esposo puríssimo de Maria Santíssima, glorioso
São José, assim como foi grande a amargura de vosso
coração na perplexidade de abandonardes vossa
castíssima Esposa, assim foi inexplicável a vossa
alegria, quando pelo Anjo vos foi revelado o soberano mistério
da encarnação.
Por esta vossa dor e por este vosso
gozo, vos rogamos a graça de consolardes agora e nas extremas
dores, a nossa alma com a alegria de uma boa morte semelhante à
vossa entre Jesus e Maria.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.
2a -
Ó felicíssimo Patriarca, glorioso São José,
que fostes escolhido para o cargo de pai putativo do Verbo Humanado,
a dor que sentistes ao ver nascer em tanta pobreza o Deus Menino, que
se transformou em celeste júbilo ao escutardes a angélica
melodia e ao verdes a glória daquela brilhantíssima
Por esta vossa dor e por este vosso gozo, suplicamos a
graça de nos alcançardes que depois da jornada desta
vida, passemos a ouvir os angélicos louvores e gozar os
resplendores da glória celeste.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.
3a -
Ó obedientíssimo executor das divinas leis, glorioso
São José, o sangue preciosíssimo, que na
Circuncisão derramou o Redentor Menino vos transpassou o
coração, mas o nome de Jesus vo-lo reanimou, enchendo-o
de contentamento.
Por esta vossa dor e por este vosso gozo,
alcançai-nos que, sendo arrancados de nós os vícios
nesta vida, com o nome de Jesus no coração e na boca
expiremos cheios de júbilo.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.
4a -
Ó fidelíssimo Santo, que também tivestes parte
nos mistérios de nossa redenção, glorioso São
José, se a profecia de Simeão a respeito do que Jesus e
Maria tinham de sofrer vos causou mortal angústia, também
vos encheu de sumo gozo pela salvação e gloriosa
ressurreição, que igualmente predisse, teria de
resultar para inumeráveis almas.
Por esta vossa dor e por
este vosso gozo, obtende-nos que sejamos aqueles que, pelos méritos
de Jesus e pela intercessão da Virgem Sua Mãe, têm
de ressuscitar gloriosamente.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.
5a -
Ó vigilantíssimo guardião, íntimo
familiar do Filho de Deus encarnado, glorioso São José,
quanto penastes para alimentar e servir o Filho do Altíssimo,
particularmente na fuga que com ele houvestes de fazer ao Egito! Mas,
qual não foi também vosso gozo por terdes sempre
convosco o mesmo Deus e por verdes cair por terra os ídolos do
Por esta vossa dor e por este vosso gozo, alcançai-nos
que, expelindo longe de nós o inferno tirano, especialmente
com a fuga das ocasiões perigosas, sejam derrubados de nosso
coração todos os ídolos de afetos terrenos e que
inteiramente empregados no serviço de Jesus e de Maria, para
eles somente vivamos e felizmente morramos.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.
6a -
Ó anjo da terra, glorioso São José, que cheio de
pasmo vistes o Rei do Céu submisso aos vossos mandatos, se a
vossa consolação, ao reconduzi-lo do Egito, foi turbada
pelo temor do Arquelau, sossegado pelo Anjo, permanecestes alegre em
Nazaré com Jesus e Maria.
Por esta vossa dor e por este
vosso gozo, alcançai-nos que, desocupado o nosso coração
de vãos temores, gozemos paz de consciência, vivamos
seguros com Jesus e Maria, e também entre eles morramos.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.
7a -
Ó exemplar de toda santidade, glorioso São José,
que perdestes sem culpa vossa o Menino Jesus, e para maior angústia
houvestes de buscá-lo por três dias, até que com
sumo júbilo gozastes do que era vossa vida, achando-o no
templo entre os doutores.
Por esta vossa dor e por este vosso
gozo, suplicamos, com o coração nos lábios, que
interponhais o vosso valimento para que nunca nos suceda perdermos a
Jesus por culpa grave, mas se por desgraça o perdermos, com
tão contínua dor o procuremos, que o achemos favorável,
especialmente a gozá-lo no céu e lá cantarmos
convosco eternamente Suas divinas misericórdias.
Nosso, Ave Maria, Glória.