A Novena Prayer to St. Joseph.
No particular prayers need be said for this novena. Every day for nine days, turn to St. Joseph in spirit a number of times during the day and honour him in the following number of points. These "visits" may be made anywhere, at home, in the street, in the car or train and at any time.
The two sets of concluding prayers are included here to help you formulate your thoughts. They do NOT NEED to be said. However!!
During the first visit, consider St. Joseph's fidelity to grace.
Reflect upon the action of the Holy Spirit in his soul. At the end of this brief meditation,
Thank God for so honouring St. Joseph, and ask, through his intercession, for a similar grace.
Concluding prayer.
O my God, I humbly thank Thee, for St. Joseph's devotion to grace.
Lord Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that I too will be truly devoted to grace.
St. Joseph, if it meets God's Holy Will, I humbly and urgently ask that my prayer will be granted. (Mention your petition)
For the second visit, consider St. Joseph's fidelity to the interior life.
Study his spirit of recollection. Think, thank God, and ask.
Concluding prayer.
O my God, I humbly thank Thee, for St. Joseph's devotion to the interior life.
Lord Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that I too will be truly devoted to the interior life.
St. Joseph, if it meets God's Holy Will, I humbly and urgently ask that my prayer will be granted. (Again mention your petition)
For the third visit,consider St. Joseph's love for Our Lady.
Think, thank God, and ask.
Concluding prayer.
O my God, I humbly thank Thee, for St. Joseph's devotion to Our Lady.
Lord Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that I too will be truly devoted to Our Lady.
St. Joseph, if it meets God's Holy Will, I humbly and urgently ask that my prayer will be granted. (Again mention your petition)
For the fourth and final visit of the day, reflect upon St. Joseph's love for the Divine child Jesus.
Think, thank God, and ask.
Concluding prayer.
O my God, I humbly thank Thee, for St. Joseph's devotion to the Divine Child.
Lord Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that I too will be truly devoted to the Divine Child.
St. Joseph, if it meets God's Holy Will, I humbly and urgently ask that my prayer will be granted. (Again mention your petition)
OR use these prayers if you prefer them to the ones above::
Concluding prayer.
O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph's great faithfulness to grace.
Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may be faithful to grace.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favour I ask. (Mention your petition)
Concluding prayer.
O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph's great faithfulness to the interior life
Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may be faithful to the interior life.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favour I ask. (Mention your petition)
Concluding prayer.
O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph's great love for Our Lady.
Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may truly love the Blessed Virgin Mary.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favour I ask. (Mention your petition)
Concluding prayer.
O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph's great love for the Divine Child.
Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may truly love the Child Jesus.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favour I ask. (Mention your petition)