Words of Pope Leo XIII.
From the Encyclical "Quamquam pluries" August 15th 1889.
"Since the bond of marriage existed between Joseph and the Blessed Virgin, there can be no doubt
that more than any other person he approached that supereminent dignity by which the Mother of God
is raised far above all created natures."
"Blessed Joseph ... was indeed the husband of Mary and the father, as was supposed, of Jesus Christ.
From this arise all his dignity, grace, holines and glory... [The Church] is his numberless family, scattered throughhout
all lands, over which he rules with a sort of paternal authority, because he is the husband of Mary and the father of Jesus Christ."
"Just as Mary, Mother of the Saviour, is spiritual mother of all Christians... Joseph looks on all Christians as
having been confided to himself.... He is the defender of the Holy Church, which is truly the House of God and the Kingdom of God on earth."
These commentaries on the Life of St. Joseph are also available on the Links page which gives both the St. Joseph reference URL as well as the relevant Homepage URL of that particular site..
The first commentary is taken from "The Catholic Encyclopedia" (with their permission).
At the "New Advent Catholic Website, Denver, Colorado"
You may read it directly from HERE..
Also, St. Joseph from :
The Catholic Mobile Saints are listed alphabetically.
Catholic Online Saints A listing of Saints & Angels.
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God Bless.